Introduction to General Linguistics 0400-AS1-1ILJ
Profile of studies - general academic, basic, theoretical
Form of studies - day studies
Type of the subject - compulsory M_5
Science and discipline - English philology, general linguistics
Year of studies, semester - 1 year, 1 semester
Initial requirements - no initial requirements
amount of didactic time and form of teaching - 30h, lectures
Didactic methods - lecturing
ECTS points - 2
Balance of student work in hours - participating in lectures - 15h x 2 = 30h, participating in consultations - 4 h; independent studying of lecture subjects, preparing for the examinations and passing examinations - 20h + 2h = 2h. Altogether 56h (corresponding to 2 ECTS points)
Quantitative indexes: student work connected with teacher direct participation - 30h + 4h +2h = 36h; 1.5 ECTS points Practical student work - 0h; 0 ECTS points
Type of course
obligatory courses
(in Polish) w sali
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
Preparing essay on the optional linguistic subject, oral examination
Griniewicz, Sergiusz and Dubieniec, Elwina. Introduction to Linguistics. Bialystok, WSFiZ, 2002.
Lipka L. Outline of English Lexicology. Tubingen, 1990
Lyons, John. Wstęp do językoznawstwa. Warszawa, 1976.
Milewski, Tadeusz. Językoznawstwo. Warszawa, PWN. 2005
R. de Baugrande. Introduction to Text Linguistic. 1983
Fromkin, V. & Rodman R. 1993. An Introduction to language. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace
Wardhaugh R. Investigating language. Central Problems in Linguistics. Oxford, 1994
Yule, George, 2010. The Study of Language, Cambridge University Press.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: