General Chemistry I 310-CS1-1CHO1
1. Matter, elements, compounds, definition, classification and transformation;
2. Chemical compounds, structural, electronic and resonance formulas; classification and nomenclature; fundamental chemical rights, the concept of mole, mass and molar volume, unit, atomic mass; SI units;
3. Chemical reactions; classification of inorganic reactions: ionic, redox, radical, photochemical, spontaneous and forced reactions, e.t.c.;
4. Kinetics of chemical reactions; kinetic equations of the 1st and 2nd order: basic kinetic theories: collision theory, active complex theory; activation energy; Arrhenius equation, action of catalysts, enzymes;
5. Chemical equilibria. Chemical equilibrium constant, chemical equilibrium constant in homo- and heterogeneous systems; the rule of defiance.
6. Structure of the atom:
a) The nuclear structure of an atom; elementary particles, atomic nucleus - nucleon binding energy in the nucleus, mass defect, atomic nucleus models, nucleus stability, isotopes, isobars, isotons; natural and artificial radioactivity, kinetics of radioactive decay, radioactive series, artificial radioactive transformations, fission reactions:
b) non-nuclear zone of the atom: development of views on the structure of the atom, the Bohr model of the atom (radius of the electron orbit in a hydrogen atom, electron energy, spectral series of the hydrogen atom), de Broglie's equation and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle; Schrödinger equation; atomic orbitals and quantum numbers; Paulie's prohibition and Hund's rule; electronic structure of an atom multi-electron; atomic terms.
7. Periodic table of the elements: development of the periodic table; synthesis of new elements; classification of elements by their electronic structure; electron configuration of elements (up to Z = 92); periodicity of some properties of elements (ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, dimensions of atoms and ions, oxidation states, acid-base properties of elements).
8. General characteristics of the s, p, d and f elements block ; isotopic composition of elements, metallic, non-metallic, radioactive, toxic elements, etc.
9. Classification and characterization of chemical bonds; ionic, atomic, atomic polarized and metallic bonds; molecular orbitals and their formation, sigma and pi bonds, localized and delocalized bonds, hybridization of atomic orbitals, diagrams of simple homo- and heteronuclear molecules; basic theories of molecule structure: valence bond method and molecular orbitals method;
10. energy of molecules; interaction of electric and magnetic fields with particles, polarization of molecules, dipole electric and magnetic moment of molecules.
10. Coordination chemistry: coordination numbers, types of ligands, complex nomenclature
Type of course
(in Polish) kierunkowe
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
1. The student can properly use a terminology and chemical nomenclature (K_W02).
2. The student is able to describe the structure of the atom and molecules, He can classify the chemical bonds and connect the electronic structure of molecules with macroscopic properties of the surrounding matter (K_W03, K_W05).
4. Can classify chemical reactions, characterize the kinetics of a given reaction and describe the state of chemical equilibrium and analyze changes in individual parameters to the state of equilibrium (K_W03, K_W06 and K_W08).
5. Can describe the properties of elements and link their properties with the structure of atoms (K_W030).
Assessment criteria
Obtaining a positive grade from the seminar and laboratory is a condition for the student's admission to the written exam the item.
The condition for passing the course is obtaining a positive grade in the written exam.
Basic literature:
1. Jones L., Atkins P. Chemia ogólna, WN PWN, Warszawa 2004.
2. Bielański A. Podstawy chemii nieorganicznej, WN PWN, Warszawa 2010.
3. Pajdowski L. Chemia ogólna, PWN, Warszawa 1985.
Suplementary literature:
1. Puzanowska-Tarasiewicz H., Tarasiewicz M. Chemia związków koordynacyjnych, wyd. II, Wyd. FUW, Białystok 1993.
2. Tarasiewicz M. (red.). Podstawy chemii, Wyd. UwB, Białystok 1998.
3. Cieślak-Golonka M., Starosta J., Wasielewski M. Wstęp do chemii koordynacyjnej, WN PWN Warszawa 2010.
4. Roat-Malone R. M. Chemia bionieorganiczna WN PWN Warszawa 2010
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: