Bioanalysis 310-CS2-1PDWI-3
Full-time studies, 2nd degree, group of optional subjects, field of exact and natural sciences, chemical sciences, I year / 1 semester.
The student should have knowledge of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical calculations.
Number of lecture hours 15h
Number of laboratory hours 15h
Teaching methods: lecture, laboratory exercises
ECTS credits - 2
Total student workload: E: 50 hours. including: participation in lectures: 15 hours; extra-curricular classes 15h, preparation for classes, examination: 16h; participation in consultations, examination: 4 hours Quantitative indicators: Total student workload related to the class 50h; 2.0 ECTS 1) requiring the direct participation of the teacher 33.8h; 1.4 ECTS, 2) practical 35h; 1.4 ECTS.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. The graduate knows and understands: current directions of development and the latest discoveries in the field of chemistry KP7_WG6-oral exam
2. The graduate is able to: define the directions of further self-education KP7_UU1- oral exam
3. The graduate is ready to: critically evaluate the information disseminated in the media, especially in the field of chemistry, understand the need to systematically read the specialist literature KP7_KK1 - oral exam
Assessment criteria
The condition for passing the course is to pass the test on the issues presented in the lecture with a grade and to perform laboratory exercises, reports on them and theoretical material for the grade. Three absences will qualify for failing the course
Compulsory literature:
1. Biochemistry laboratory for students of biology, biotechnology and environmental protection, collective work edited by Antoni Polanowski - .pdf
2. Food analysis, script, Jolanta Kumirska, Marek Gołębiowski, Monika Paszkiewicz, Anna Bychowska, Publishing House of the University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk 2010
3. Instrumental Techniques in Medical Analysis, Elżbieta Milewska, Medical University of Bialystok
4. Laboratory diagnostics, edited by A. Szutowicz and A. Raszei-Specht, Medical University of Gdańsk, 2009
5. Laboratory diagnostics, Besenthal Ingo, Bohm Bernhard Otto, Neumeister Birgid, Urban & Partner, 2012
6. Laboratory diagnostics, edited by B. Solnica, PZWL Publishing House, 2013
Supplementary literature:
1. Publications in scientific and popular science magazines.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: