NMR, IR and MS in Chemical Analysis 310-CS2-1PDWII-23
Profile: chemistry
requirements: passing coursework: “Organic Chemistry- basic” and “Spectroscopic method in organic synthesis” or equivalent.
Total student workload: overall student workload 50 hours including participation in lessons: 15 hours and others 15 hours; preparation for classes and tests: 16.3 hours; participation in consultations 3,8, credits ECTS 2.0.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Familiarizing the student with the basics of the most important spectroscopic methods e.g. IR, UV, MS and NMR.
Familiarizing the student with the basic applications of spectroscopic methods in the study of organic compounds structures as well as their identification based on spectroscopic data.
Assessment criteria
Form of credit: credit for assessment.
The student obtains credit for the subject based on being present in classes and the final valuation of the written word. A minimum of 51 % correct answers is a writing paper a prerequisite for obtaining credit.
T.N. Mitchell, B. Costisella „NMR – From Spectra to Structures” Springer 2007
Y-C. Ning „Structural Identification of Organic Compounds with Spectroscopic Techniques” Wiley-VCH 2005
E. Breitmaier „Structure Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry” Wiley 2007
R. Silverstein, F.Webster, D. Kiemle, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds
NMR - From Spectra to Structures - An Experimental Approach - 2nd Edition – 2007 "Organic Spectroscopy" - online lectures by Prof. James S. Nowick (Department of Chemistry, University of California)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: