Spectroscopy 310-CS2-1SPMO
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Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Understand quantum chemical principles.
Student will know the basic physical chemistry law that govern molecular
Student will know basic information on molecular methods (IR, Raman, UV-VIS,
Student will be able to select molecular spectroscopy methods suitable for solving given scientific problem.
Student will be able to analyze results of measurements using molecular
spectroscopy methods.
Student shows interest in the phenomenon of the interaction of light with matter in
terms of the relationship with the molecular structure.
Assessment criteria
Lecture: activation method, Lab: – spectral measurements: IR, NMR i UV-VIS ;
Lab: Students have to prepare for the Lab by reading the corresponding chapters of Sadlej –
Spektroskopia molekularna and Z. Kęcki – Podstawy spektroskopii molekularnej. The
preparation will be checked by instructor.
A final writing exam will be conducted after the finals week:
Final mark= 70% of exam + 30% of the practical
1. W. Żyrnicki W., Borkowska-Burnecka J., Bulska E., Szmyd E. (red.) - Metody analitycznej spektrometrii atomowej, Teoria i praktyka, wyd. Malamut, Warszawa 2010
2. J. Sadlej – Spektroskopia molekularna
4. Z. Kęcki, Podstawy spektroskopii molekularnej, PWN, Warszawa, 1992
5. W. Zieliński, A. Rajca - Metody spektroskopowe i ich zastosowanie do identyfikacji związków organicznych, WNT Warszawa., 1995
6. R.M. Silverstein, F.X. Webster, D.J. Kiemle „Spektroskopowe metody identyfikacji związków organicznych” PWN 2007
7. E. Breitmaier „Structure Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry” Wiley 2007
Peter W. Atkins – Chemia fizyczna
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: