The Role of Nanomaterials in Environment Protection 310-JBS1-2PDWV-2
The student acquires the knowledge of how nanometarials are produced and characterized. He gets acquainted with a variety of measurement techniques used in working with nanomaterials. The listener learns about selected applications of nanomaterials and their impact on environmental protection.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
KA6_WG12 - explains the basics of the construction and operation of research equipment
KA6_UW5 prepares in writing a well-documented study of selected chemical problems
KA6_KO1 - interested in the basic chemical processes taking place in the environment
KA6_KK2 - understands the need for popular science presentation of selected chemical issues and promoting the latest achievements of chemistry
Assessment criteria
The course is conducted in the form of a lecture. The form of obtaining credit is a written exam/project.
1. “Nanotechnologie” R.W. Kelsall, I. W. Hamley, M. Geoghegan, PWN, 2008,
2. “Nanomateriały inżynierskie konstrukcyjne i funkcjonalne” K. Kurzydłowski, M. Lewandowska, PWN 2010
3. „Nanochemia podstawowe koncepcje” G.A. Ozin, PWN 2011
4. Aktualne publikacje naukowe
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: