Chromatographic Analysis 310-KS2-1ACH
Study profile: general academic. Second-cycle full-time studies in the field of forensic chemistry. Major. The field of exact and natural sciences, the discipline of chemical sciences.
Lecture: feeding and activating method, laboratory: activating method;
Total student workload:75 hours. including: participation in classes: 45 hours; preparation for classes and credits: 24,5 hours;
participation in consultations, tests, 5,5 hours.
Course coordinators
Term 2024: | Term 2022: | Term 2023: |
Type of course
Assessment criteria
Credit rules: the student obtains a credit when he/she obtains 51% of the points in the colloquium from the lecture and the seminar and laboratory
Forms of passing the lecture: written test
Form of crediting the seminar: written test, assessment of the student's work in class
Form of passing the laboratory: oral or written answer in the scope given in the requirements for laboratory exercises and evaluation of the written report
Recommended primary literature:
1. P. Stepnowski, E. Synak, B. Szafranek, Z. Kaczyński, Techniki separacyjne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2010, Gdańsk
2. Witkiewicz Z., Kałużna-Czaplińska J. 2012. Podstawy chromatografii i technik elektromigracyjnych. WNT. Warszawa.
Recommended additional literature:
1. Przegląd Kryminalistyczny, kwartalnik, wydawnictwo CLK Policji w Warszawie
2. Krawczyk W.S., Chromatografia gazowa w kryminalistyce, Wydawnictwo CLK KGP, Warszawa 1999
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: