Chemistry of Forensic Traces 310-KS2-1CKS
First year, 2 term of 2nd step of studies
Lecture 15 h
Seminar 15 h
Laboratory 30 h
tutorial 10 h
student's independent work 30 h
The lecture is intended to familiarize students with the division of chemical forensic traces, the principles of collecting samples for laboratory tests, requirements and course of research, reasoning, reference to applicable legal acts and the principles of preparing opinions based on the example of specific cases.
The seminar aims to practice examples of how to deal with forensic chemical traces, analyze printouts from analytical equipment, and develop conclusions and discuss them.
During the laboratory, the skills of examining selected traces and preparing reports on activities carried out based on preliminary assumptions for individual criminal cases are practiced.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Assessment criteria
Obtaining 51% correct answers in the written exam. A necessary condition for taking the written exam is passing the laboratory and seminar with a positive result. The final grade will be awarded according to the following criterion:
Very good 5.0 (91-100%)
good plus 4.5 (82-90%)
good 4.0 (72-81%)
sufficient plus 3.5 (62-71%)
sufficient 3.0 (52-61%)
poor 2.0 (51% i poniżej)
1. Houck M. M., Forensic Chemistry, wyd. Elsevier, 2015
2. Skoog D., West D. M., Crouch S. R. , Holler F.J., Chemia analityczna, wyd. PWN, 2023
3. Analityka Sądowa, pod red. Kościelniak i in., wyd. PWN , 2022
4. Wilk D. Nowoczesne metody fizykochemii kryminalistycznej w procesie karnym. Zagadnienia wybrane., Wyd. JAK, Kraków, 2018
5. Krawczyk S. W., Chromatografia gazowa w kryminalistyce, Wyd. CLK KGP, 1999 r.,
6. Krawczyk S. W., Profilowanie narkotyków, Wyd. CLK KGP, , 1998
7. Stepnowski P., Synak E., Szafranek B., Kaczyński Z. Techniki separacyjne. Wydawnictwo UG 201
8. Kęcki Z., Podstawy spektroskopii molekularnej, PWN 1998
9. Wąs-Gubała J., Włókno jako ślad kryminalistyczny, wyd. IES, 2000
10. Caddy B. Forensic Examination of Glass and paint, Taylor&Francis, 2001 r.
11. Witkiewicz Z., Wardencki W., Chromatografia gazowa teoria i praktyka, Wyd. PWN, 2018
Literatura uzupełniająca:
Publikacje w Problems of Forensic Science (wyd. IES Kraków) oraz w Problemach Kryminalistyki (wyd. CLKP Warszawa)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: