Brief History of Literature in Russian 340-AR1-2CLR
Profile of studies: general academic
Form of studies: full-time
Type of course: compulsory
Field and discipline of science: humanities, Russian literature
Year of studies / semester: 2nd year of the 1st cycle, 4th semester
Prerequisites: general knowledge of Polish and general literature from high school
Number of teaching hours with the division into the forms of teaching: lecture, 30 hours
Teaching methods: lecture with the possibility of asking questions and discussing
ECTS points: 2 points
Balance of student workload
Participation in classes: 30 hours. (1 point)
Preparation for the exam, consultations: 30 hours. (1 point)
Total: 60 hours (2 points)
Quantitative indicators
Student workload related to the activities requiring the teacher's direct participation: 30 hours. (1 point)
Student workload related to practical classes: 0 points
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student who successfully completed the course:
1. Knows the work of the most outstanding Russian writers, K_W01, (H1A_W01 +++).
2. Knows the basic literary terminology in Polish, K_W06 (H1A_WO2 ++).
3. Has ordered knowledge and understands the main directions in the study of literature, K_WO9 (H1A_W03 ++).
4. Can analyze, interpret and evaluate selected texts from Russian literature, K_W15 (H1A_W07 ++: U07 ++).
5. Has a basic knowledge of contemporary literary life in Russia, K_W14 (H1A_W10 ++; S1A2A_W05 ++).
6. Can independently acquire knowledge and develop own research skills at the basic level, K_UO1 (H1A_U01 +++).
7. Understands the need to read fiction throughout his life, can inspire reading interests of other people, K_U05
(H1A_U03 ++).
8. Understands the different perceptions of social life and cultural phenomena by people from different and different countries
cultural environments and traditions, K_U14 (H1A_U07).
Assessment criteria
Methods: lecture.
Assessment criteria: exam.
Readings (belles-lettres):
-Słowo o wyprawie Igora
-Powieść minionych lat.
-Żywot protopopa Awwakuma przez niego samego napisany.
-M. Łomonosow, [selection of poems].
-G. Dzierżawin, [selection of poems].
-A. Radiszczew, Podróż z Petersburga do Moskwy.
-A. Puszkin, wybór wierszy, Eugeniusz Oniegin, Córka kapitana.
-M. Lermontow, selection of poems, Bohater naszych czasów.
-M. Gogol, Martwe dusze.
-F. Dostojewski, Bracia Karamazow, Zbrodnia i kara.
-L. Tołstoj, Wojna i pokój, Anna Karenina
-I. Gonczarow, Obłomow.
-A. Czechow, [selection of novels].
-A. Achmatowa, [selection of stories].
-A. Błok, Dwanaście, Odwet.
-I. Bunin, [selection of stories].
-W. Majakowski, [selection of poems].
-B. Pasternak, Doktor Żywago.
-J. Jewtuszenko, [selection of poems].
-I. Brodski, [selection of poems].
-M. Bułhakow, Mistrz i Małgorzata.
-M. Szołochow, Cichy Don.
-A. Sołżenicyn, Archipelag GUŁag, or another novel.
-W. Szałamow, [selection of stories].
-W. Jerofiejew, Moskwa-Pietuszki.
-W. Pielewin, [selected novel].
-B. Okudżawa, [selection of poems].
-W. Wysocki, [selection of poemsy].
Scientific literature:
-D. Lichaczow, Poetyka literatury staroruskiej, przeł. A. Prus-Bogusіawski, Warszawa 1981.
-R. Łużny, Rosyjska literatura ludowa, Warszawa 1977, s. 9-96.
-E. Małek, Folklor a literatura staroruska, „Slavia Orientalis” 1984, z. 2, s. 133-137.
-Historia literatury rosyjskiej, t.I- II, pod red. M. Jakóbca, W-wa 1976.
-Słownik pisarzy rosyjskich, red. F. Nieuważny, W-wa 1994.
-T. Klimowicz, Przewodnik po współczesnej literaturze rosyjskiej i jej okolicach (1917-1996), Wrocław 1996.
-Historia literatury rosyjskiej XX wieku, red. A. Drawicz, Warszawa 1997.
-J. Sałajczyk,Literatura rosyjska XX wieku, Gdańsk 2001.
-A. Wołodźko-Butkiewicz – Od pieriestrojki do laboratoriów netliteratury. Przemiany we współczesnej prozie rosyjskiej, Warszawa 2004.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: