Term 2022:
STUDENTS WILL: - Get acquainted with all the relevant background for the emergence of a political system in America, especially the philosophical thought most prevalent at that time - Have their intellectual palates stimulated by studying selected dimensions of that system - Develop a thorough understanding and appreciation of how the system works - Perfect their analytical skills and enhance their critical thinking - Gain a valuable insight into American domestic and foreign politics thanks to invaluable teaching aids especially in the form of authentic CD recordings of political speeches, debates, press conferences, etc. - Bridge together various elements of the American experiment in order to arrive at a thorough understanding of what makes Americans tick - Foster knowledge about American society and culture and the values and beliefs that have given meaning and shape to the experiences of its peoples. - Develop skills in analysis, synthesis, and the construction of an argument - Develop and refine skills in research and in written and oral communication - Discover the pleasure and magic of reading scholarly publications/books/articles.
Term 2023:
STUDENTS WILL: - Get acquainted with all the relevant background for the emergence of a political system in America, especially the philosophical thought most prevalent at that time - Have their intellectual palates stimulated by studying selected dimensions of that system - Develop a thorough understanding and appreciation of how the system works - Perfect their analytical skills and enhance their critical thinking - Gain a valuable insight into American domestic and foreign politics thanks to invaluable teaching aids especially in the form of authentic CD recordings of political speeches, debates, press conferences, etc. - Bridge together various elements of the American experiment in order to arrive at a thorough understanding of what makes Americans tick - Foster knowledge about American society and culture and the values and beliefs that have given meaning and shape to the experiences of its peoples. - Develop skills in analysis, synthesis, and the construction of an argument - Develop and refine skills in research and in written and oral communication - Discover the pleasure and magic of reading scholarly publications/books/articles.
Term 2024:
STUDENTS WILL: - Get acquainted with all the relevant background for the emergence of a political system in America, especially the philosophical thought most prevalent at that time - Have their intellectual palates stimulated by studying selected dimensions of that system - Develop a thorough understanding and appreciation of how the system works - Perfect their analytical skills and enhance their critical thinking - Gain a valuable insight into American domestic and foreign politics thanks to invaluable teaching aids especially in the form of authentic CD recordings of political speeches, debates, press conferences, etc. - Bridge together various elements of the American experiment in order to arrive at a thorough understanding of what makes Americans tick - Foster knowledge about American society and culture and the values and beliefs that have given meaning and shape to the experiences of its peoples. - Develop skills in analysis, synthesis, and the construction of an argument - Develop and refine skills in research and in written and oral communication - Discover the pleasure and magic of reading scholarly publications/books/articles.