Audiovisual Translation 340-AT2-2TA
General Academic Profile
Full-time MA programme
Obligatory course (M_5)
Year 2, Semester 3
Number of hours: 15 h, practical classes
2 ECTS points
Students' workload balance
Participation in the practical class: 15 h
Consultations with the teacher: 5 h
Preparation for the class and Revision for the test: 15 h
Projects: 15 h
Overall: 50 h (2 ECTS points)
Numerical indicators:
Students' workload connected with classes which require the teacher's participation: 20 h /0.8 ECTS points
Students' workload connected with classes of practical nature: 1 ECTS point
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024: (in Polish) w sali | General: (in Polish) zdalnie (in Polish) w sali | Term 2022: (in Polish) w sali | Term 2023: (in Polish) w sali |
Learning outcomes
K_W04, K_W06, K_U02, K_U03, K_U04, K_K01, K_K03, K_K04
Assessment criteria
In order to earn credit for this course, students are allowed no more than two absences and must achieve at least 60% on all assessments. These assessments include:
- a critical evaluation of an existing audiovisual text
- a translation of audiovisual material provided by the lecturer.
Bańkowska E., Mikołajczuk A. (red.), 2003, Praktyczna stylistyka nie tylko dla polonistów, Warszawa
Barańczak S., 1992, Ocalone w tłumaczeniu, Poznań
Bednarczyk A., 2008, W poszukiwaniu dominanty translatorskiej, Warszawa
Belczyk A., 2007, Tłumaczenie filmów,
Belczyk A., 2002, Poradnik tłumacza, Kraków
Bukowski P., Heydel Magda (red.), 2009, Współczesne teorie przekładu, Kraków
Duff A., 1998, Translation, Oxford
Hejwowski K., 2004 (2007), Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa
Tomaszkiewicz T., 2007, Przekład audiowizualny, PWN
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: