Descriptive Grammar: Syntax of the French Language 340-FP1-2GOSK
Full description: Profile: General academic
Type of program: full time
Course type: obligatory
Academic discipline: linguistics
Year/semester: 2nd year, 3rd semester
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the course: Descriptive Grammar: French morphology.
lecture (30 h)
exercises: 30 h
Credit is awarded based on a exam.
3 ECTS points
Students’ workload is divided into
Participating in the lecture: 30 h
Participation in exercises: 30 h
Attending consultations: 4 h
Preparing for classes and revising for the exam: 20 h
In total: 84 h
Students’ workload related to the class:
- requiring the teacher’s participation: 64 h - 2.5 ECTS points
- of practical nature: 0
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes: 1. The student knows basic concepts of syntax as well as methods of syntactic analysis.
KA6_WG4 , KA6_WG9, KA6_WG6
2. Knows syntactic categories typical of French as well as the structure of simple and compound sentences.
KA6_UW1 , KA6_WG9, KA6_WG6
3. Can identify and label the syntactic category of individual elements in both simple and compound French sentences.
KA6_UK1, KA6_UW7
4. Can analyze a sentence with respect to its syntactic structure.
KA6_UK1, KA6_UW7
5. Can carry out a dependency analysis of simple and complex sentences. KA6_UK1, KA6_UW7
6. Can identify similarities and differences between French and Polish sentences
Method of verifying the achievement of learning outcomes: a written exam
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: An exam is held after the third semester.
Bibliography: Przestaszewski L., "Gramatyka języka francuskiego".
Riegel M., Pellat J.-Ch., Rioul R. (1994), Grammaire méthodique du français, Paris : PUF.
Grévisse M., Cours d’analyse grammaticale, Duculot, Paris-Louvain-la-Neuve, 1968.
Dubois J., Dubois-Charlier F., Eléments de linguistique française : syntaxe, Larousse, Paris 1970.Paris, 2009.
Soutet O., Linguistique, P.U.F., 2005.
Sułkowska Monika, 2014, Czasy i tryby we francuskich zdaniach podrzędnych. Podręcznik dla studentów języka francuskiego, Katowice, Wyd.UŚ.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: