(in Polish) Technologia informacji 340-LS1-1TIN
Profile of studies: general academic
Form of studies: full-time studies
Type of course: optional, MK_3
Field and discipline of science: information technology
Year of study / semester: 1st cycle, 1st year, 1st semester
Prerequisites: basic computer skills, text editing and a spreadsheet
Hours: 15 hours lab
Teaching methods: practical exercises, group work
ECTS credits: 1
Balance of student workload:
Participation in classes: 15 hours (0.6 ECTS)
Participation in consultations: 2 hours. (0,1 ECTS)
Preparation for classes (theoretical preparation, completion or preparation of reports from classes at home: 7 hours (0.3 ECTS)
Total: 24 hours (3 ECTS)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
• knows the basic conceptual framework in the field of information technologies (KP6_WG8)
• is able to plan and organize individual and team work (KP6_UO1)
• is able to use IT tools to collect and process information during the translation process (KP6_UO2)
• is ready to participate in cultural life in all its variety
forms (KP6_KO4)
Assessment criteria
Students receive a credit for the course during the last meeting, during which they perform practical tasks summarizing the material from the entire semester. The final grade in the subject depends on the degree of correctness of the tasks completed during the completion of the completion of the tasks, the pace of their implementation as well as the attendance and active participation in classes throughout the semester. One absence per semester is allowed without the obligation to pass credit; Unauthorized omission of 10 hours of classes deprives the student of the possibility of completing the course and qualifies the student to repeat it.
E. Bowdur, Usługi w sieciach informatycznych, Wydawnictwo KISS, 2007.
B. Gaworska, H. Szantula, Podstawy technik informatycznych, Wydawnictwo KISS, 2007.
R. Lenert, Arkusze kalkulacyjne, Wydawnictwo KISS, 2007.
A. Mazur, Przetwarzanie tekstów, Wydawnictwo KISS, 2007.
A. Trawka, Użytkowanie komputerów, Wydawnictwo KISS, 2007.
J. Walkenbach, Excel 2003. Biblia, 2004.
K. Wojtuszkiewicz, Urządzenia techniki komputerowej, cz. I i II, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2007.
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: