(in Polish) Literatura powszechna 340-RA1-1LPO
Study profile: general academic
Form of studies: full-time
Subject type: compulsory,
Field and discipline of study: humanities, literary studies
Year of study/semester: 1st year, 1st semester, 2nd cycle studies, seminar
Entrance requirements (introductory subjects, Introduction to literary studies)
Teaching methods (consultations, group workshops)
ECTS points - 5
Participation in classes – 25 h (1.2 ECTS)
Independent study of literature – 55 h (2.2 ECTS)
Participation in consultations – 30h (1.2 ECTS)
Preparation for an oral exam or a control test 10 hours (0.4 ECTS) in total – 100 hours (corresponds to 4 ECTS points
Student workload related to classes requiring direct teacher participation 1.2 ECTS.
Program content:
1. General literature as a subject of classes.
2. Myths of the world and their meaning. Greek mythology.
3. Ancient Greek epic - genesis, constitutive features.
4. The world of the late Middle Ages in Dante's Divine Comedy.
5. Renaissance humanism and its literary "materializations"
6. Baroque in literature on the example of Shakespeare's work.
7. Articulation of Enlightenment ideas in Voltaire's work.
8. Romantic individualist - faces and realizations.
9. Realism in 19th century literature.
10. Modernism in lyric poetry. Baudelaire and Apollinaire
11. Existential prose by Franz Kafka.
13. Stream of Consciousness Prose.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
1. Dzieje literatur europejskich, pod red. W.Floryana, t.1 – 3, Warszawa 1977 –1990.
2. Historia literatury powszechnej. Antologia tekstów poetyckich, zest. M.Jakóbiec-Semków, Wrocław 1983.
3. Historia literatury światowej w dziesięciu tomach, pod red. T. Skoczka, t. 1, Bochnia 2003; t. 2 – 5, Bochnia 2004; t. 6, Bochnia 2006.
4. Historia literatury światowej, pod red. Mariana Szulca, t. 1 Starożytność, Kraków 2003; t. 2 Średniowiecze, renesans, barok, Kraków 2003; t. 3 Oświecenie, Kraków 2004.
5. Histories of individual national literatures.
6. Literatura powszechna według Jana Tomkowskiego, Warszawa 1995.
7. J. Tomkowski, Dwadzieścia lat z literaturą (1977 – 1996), Warszawa 1998.
8. M. Głowiński i in., Słownik terminów literackich, Ossolineum 1988 (i wyd. nast.).
9. W. Kopaliński, Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Warszawa 2003.
10. W. Kopaliński, Słownik wydarzeń, pojęć i legend XX wieku, Warszawa 1999.
11. Słownik encyklopedyczny.Pisarze świata, Warszawa 1999.
12. S. Żak, Słownik. Kierunki - szkoły - terminy literackie, Kielce 1991
Term 2023:
The teacher in a given group individually selects literary works from the canon of world literature as part of the program content and determines the obligatory subject literature. |
Term 2024:
The teacher in a given group individually selects literary works from the canon of world literature as part of the program content and determines the obligatory subject literature. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: