(in Polish) Wstęp do literaturoznawstwa 340-RA1-1WDL
Profile of studies: general academic.
Form of studies: full-time.
Type of course: subject status - compulsory; module - MK_18.
Field and discipline of science: humanities, literature studies.
Year of studies / semester: 1st year of studies, winter semester.
Prerequisites: The student knows the program content in the field of literary studies, implemented during Polish language lessons at school
average and resulting from the curriculum approved by the Ministry of National Education.
Number of teaching hours, broken down into the forms of teaching: classes, 15 hours. Forms and methods of teaching: discussion, lecture
elements, exercises with literary texts, aimed at developing the ability to recognize artistic means and analyze the structure of a literary
Teaching methods: giving (discussion, lecture, work with a literary text, elements of a lecture); exercise based on the use of various
sources of knowledge.
ECTS points: 1 points ECTS.
Balance of student workload: 0,5 point (15 h) for activities requiring the direct participation of academic teachers and students
0.5 points (15 h) for the student's independent preparation for classes
Quantitative indicators: student workload related to classes requiring direct teacher participation (15 hours, 0,5 ECTS point); student
workload related to practical classes (0 hours, 0 ECTS points).
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. Has basic knowledge of the science of literature, K_W01.
2. Knows the basic Russian terminology in the field of literary studies, K_W02.
3. Can properly analyze selected literary texts from the artistic point of view, using the correct terminology
literary studies, K_U01, K_W02.
4. Recognizes artistic means in selected literary texts, K_W01.
5. Works and collaborates in a group, K_K02.
6. Is able to independently acquire and supplement his knowledge following the instructions of a research tutor, K_U03.
7. Understands the need to read as a way of shaping his aesthetic sensitivity, K_K01.
Assessment criteria
The subject is graded.
The final grade is the average of the grades obtained from the written tests.
The student is required to pass two tests:
1. in the field of Russian literary vocabulary;
2. final.
Students will be informed about the scope of each test in the first month of the course. Student activity during classes is also assessed.
Active participation in exercises, positively assessed by the teacher, increases the grade obtained on the basis of written tests. The
student has the right to two absences from the classes or two unpreparedness, each subsequent absence or unpreparedness for the
classes must be credited by the student during the consultations.
I. Basic reading:
-A. Kulawik, Poetyka. Wstęp do teorii dzieła literackiego, Warszawa 1990.
-M. Głowiński, A. Okopień-Sławińska, J. Sławiński, Zarys teorii literatury, Warszawa 1991.
-Г. Абрамович, Введение в литературоведение, Москва 1961.
-Л. И. Тимофеев, Основы теории литературы, Москва 1976.
-J. Krzyżanowski, Nauka o literaturze, Warszawa 1978.
II. Dictionaries:
-M. Głowiński i in., Słownik terminów literackich, Wrocław 1988.
-Словарь литературоведческих терминов, под ред. Л. Тимофеева и С. Тураева, Москва 1974.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: