Descriptive Grammar of Russian: Syntax 340-RK1-2GOS
Study profile: General academic
Type of study: full-time
Type of course: obligatory
Science field and discipline: Humanities, Linguistics
Year of study / semester: year II, semester 4
Prerequisites: The student should be proficient in the material of the descriptive grammar of modern Russian in the areas of phonetics, word formation, morphology.
Number of teaching hours:
30 h – classes, 15 h – Lecture
Teaching methods: exercises, group work, student work, consultation.
ECTS credits: 5 ECTS
Assessment of the student’s workload:
Participation in lectures and classes– 45 hours (1. 8 ECTS)
Participation in consultation – 15 (0. 5 ECTS)
Teaching preparation – 15 x 3 = 45 hours (1. 7 ECTS)
Exam preparation and participation – 25 h (1 ECTS)
Total 130 hours (5 ECTS)
Workload for students for activities requiring direct teacher participation: 45 (1. 8 ECTS)
practical nature:130 hours (5 ECTS)
Term 2022:
None |
Term 2023:
None |
Term 2024:
None |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
KA6_WG1, KA6_WG4, KA6_UW1, KA6_UW6, KA6_UW7, KA6_UK4, KA6_UO1, KA6_UU1, KA6_KK1
Assessment criteria
Methods for verifying learning outcomes: credit to the mark, written examination
Exercises are credited on the basis of examination grades, homework, oral contributions, student activities and attendance (absence of more than 30% does not allow the student to complete the subject). A positive evaluation of the exercises is a prerequisite for the student’s admission to the exam in the summer session.
1. Русская грамматика. Т. 2, Синтаксис, изд. АН СССР Москва 1982.
2. Современный русский язык. Синтаксис. Пунктуация. Стилистика, ч. 3, под ред. П. П. Шубы, Минск 1998.
3. Гужва Ф.К., Современный русский литературный язык, ч.2, Киев 1978.
4. Валгина Н.С. Синтаксис современного русского языка, Москва 1973.
5. Современный русский язык. Синтаксис, под ред. И.А. Киселева, Минск 1994.
6. Астафьева Н. И., Наумович Ф. Н., Современный русский язык. Словосочетание. Понятие о предложении. Типы предложений. Двусоставное предложение, Минск 1975 .
7. Современный русский язык, под ред. П. А. Леканта, Москва 2000.
8. Воробьева Г. Ф., Панюшева М. С. Толстой И. В., Современный русский язык. Синтаксис, Москва 1975.
Zbiory ćwiczeń
1. Современный русский язык. Синтаксис. Пунктуация, под ред. И. А. Киселева, Минск 1994
2. Современный русский язык. Практические занятия, под ред. П.П. Шубы, Минск 1984.
3. Сборник упражнений по современному русскому языку, под ред. П. А. Леканта, Москва 2000.
4. Bielan A., Czapiga Z., Современный русский язык. Синтаксис. Ćwiczenia z komentarzem. Część III, Rzeszów 1998.
Term 2022:
None |
Term 2023:
None |
Term 2024:
None |
Term 2022:
None |
Term 2023:
None |
Term 2024:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: