(in Polish) Praktyczna nauka języka rosyjskiego - laboratorium, cz. 1 340-RM1-1LAB
Profile of studies: general-academic
Form of study: full-time
Course language: Russian
Course type: obligatory
Year of study/semester: 1st year, 1st and 2nd semester
Field and discipline of science: humanities, language studies
Prerequisites: none
Number of lecture hours divided into forms of teaching 80 h, exercises (laboratory)
Assumptions and goals of the course: shaping and strengthening correct articulation and intonation habits, correcting pronunciation
mistakes, developing phonemic and phonetic ear, integrating phonetic exercises with other practical language learning exercises
Teaching methods: mixed, traditional methods and active methods, based on student's actions.
Students' workload balance:
participation in classes: 40 x2h= 80h,
participation in consultations: 10h,
individual work 40x1,5=60h
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
Attendance at at least 64 hours of class (other excused absences should be made up during consultations - the form of passing the material is determined by the teacher), continuous assessment (oral and written homework, phonetically correct reading, recitation and singing of songs, phonetically and intonationally correct reading of dialogues and texts), oral credit at the last class before the winter and summer session.
Main literature:
1. Anchimiuk O., Praktyczny kurs fonetyki i wymowy języka rosyjskiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2006.
2. Wierieszczagina I. Давайте поговорим. Warszawa 1998.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: