(in Polish) Podstawy leksykologii 340-RM1-1PLE
Profile of studies: general academic
Form of studies: full-time studies
Type of course: optional
Field and discipline of science: humanities, linguistics
Year of studies/semester: bachelor degree, 1st year, 2nd semester
Prerequisites: basic concepts of general linguistics and lexicology of the Polish language
Hours: 30 hours seminar
Teaching methods: elements of the lecture, practical exercises, group work
ECTS credits: 3
Balance of student workload:
Participation in classes: 15x2 hours = 30 hours
Participation in consultations: 15x1 hour = 15 hours (0.5 ECTS)
Preparation for classes (theoretical preparation, completion or preparation of reports from classes at home: 15x2.5 hours = 37.5 hours (1.25 ECTS)
Total: 82.5 hours (3 ECTS)
Quantitative indicators:
Student workload requiring the teacher's direct participation: 45 hours (1.5 ECTS)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- knows and understands general terminology and the basic methodology of linguistic research in the field of lexicology (KP6_WG4)
- knows and understands the basic conceptual apparatus used to describe cultural phenomena important for the analysis of language and the communication process (KP6_WG9)
- is able to formulate and solve complex problems, selecting appropriate methods and tools using knowledge of language science and lexicology (KP6_UW1)
- is able to plan and organize individual and team work (KP6_UO1)
Assessment criteria
The form of completing the course:
credit with a grade.
1. Алефиренко Н.Ф., Семененко Н.Н., Фразеология и паремиология, Москва 2009.
2. Крысин Л.П., Современный русский язык. Лексическая семантика. Лексикология. Фразеология. Лексикография, Москва 2007.
3. Касаткин Л.Л., Клобуков Е.В., Лекант П.А., Краткий справочник по современному русскому языку, Москва 1995.
4. Кузьмина Н.А., Современный русский язык. Лексикология. Теория, тренинг, контроль. Учебное пособие, Москва 2011.
5. Современный русский язык. Теория. Анализ языковых единиц. В двух частях. Часть I, под ред. Е.И. Дибровой, Москва 2002.
6. Современный русский язык. Фонетика. Лексикология. Словообразование. Морфология. Синтаксис, под общ. ред. Л.А. Новикова, Санкт-Петербург 1999.
7. Фомина М.И., Современный русский язык. Лексикология, Москва 1983.
8. Шанский Н.М., Лексикология современного русского языка, Москва 2009.
1. Bielanin A., Bobran M.,Современный русский языкa. Фонетика. Фонология. Орфоэпия. Лексика, Ćwiczenia z komentarzem. Część I, Rzeszów 1997.
2. Piasecka A., Rosyjska frazeologia i frazeografia. Skrypt z ćwiczeniami do nauki języka rosyjskiego dla studentów filologii rosyjskiej, Łódź 2012.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: