BA Seminar 340-RS1-3SEL4
Course profile: general academic
Form of study: full-time
Course type: compulsory - MK_29
Field and discipline: humanities; linguistics
Year of study: III
Number of teaching hours 60h
Teaching methods: subject exercises, group workshops, discussion, consultation, work in archives and libraries.
ETCS credits: 21
Balance of student workload:
Participation in seminars: 30 x 2 = 60 h (2 ETCS)
Participation in consultations: 30 x 2 = 60 h (2 ETCS)
Theoretical preparation for classes: 30 x 10 = 300 h (10 ETCS)
Writing the Bachelor's thesis: 180 h (6 ETCS)
Preparation for and participation in the Bachelor's exam: 30 h (1 ETCS)
Total: 630 h (21 ETCS)
Term 2022:
None |
Term 2023:
None |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
B.Sc. seminars
Learning outcomes
Students who have passed the subject:
- has systematized general knowledge, including terminology and methodology of linguistics - K_W03;
- knows and understands basic notions and rules concerning copyright protection and intellectual property - K_W12;
- is able to search, analyse and use information, using various sources, analyse, select and use information for analytical and research purposes - K_U01;
- is able to formulate and analyse research problems, select methods and tools, develop, present and implement their results, which allow solving problems within the discipline - K_U02;
- is able to write a text in a chosen foreign language corresponding to the basic requirements of scientific writing with the use of basic theoretical approaches and drawing on the literature on the subject - K_U11; - has the ability of substantive argumentation and argumentation in a foreign language;
- has the ability to substantively argue and formulate conclusions and independent judgments in a foreign language - K_U13
- is able to independently acquire knowledge and develop his/her skills in the selected diploma specialization - K_U03;
- understands and realizes the need for continuous education - K_K01.
Formative assessment: prolonged observation of student's activity by the teacher, evaluation according to the criteria, evaluation of the performance of written tasks.
Summative evaluation: evaluation according to the criteria, student's bachelor's thesis.
Assessment criteria
Forms of course credit:
Pass/fail, undergraduate examination.
Credit of semester V on the basis of a prepared work plan with bibliography, collected research material and the first chapter of the thesis.
Credit for semester VI on the basis of the submitted bachelor's thesis.
Undergraduate examination.
Sample literature:
- Ю.А. Владимиров, Как написать дипломную работу?, Москва 2000.
- T.T. Kaczmarek, Poradnik dla studentów piszących pracę licencjacką lub magisterską, Warszawa 2005.
- U. Eco, Jak napisać pracę dyplomową? Poradnik dla humanistów, Warszawa 2007.
- Т.В. Шмелева, Ономастика. Учебное пособие, Славянск-на-Кубани 2013.
- Р.Ю. Намитокова, И.А. Нефляшева, В мире имен собственных, Майкоп 2016.
- Słowiańska onomastyka. Encyklopedia, pod red. E. Rzetelskiej-Feleszko i A. Cieślikowej przy współudziale J. Dumy, t. 1-2, Warszawa-Kraków 2002-2003.
The specific literature is related to the topic of the bachelor's thesis.
Term 2022:
None |
Term 2023:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: