Współczesna kultura krajów anglojęzycznych 340-AT2-1KL
Kurs ten został zaprojektowany tak, aby dać studentom możliwość rozwijania podstawowych umiejętności analizy i interpretacji produktów kultury ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem filmu i Internetu. Oprócz doskonalenia umiejętności analizy kulturoznawczej, kurs umożliwia studentom zorientowanie się w rozwoju współczesnej kultury krajów anglojęzycznych i dostarcza podstawowej wiedzy dotyczącej chronologii, faktów, oraz głównych nurtów i zjawisk kultury.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
wykład - egzamin pisemny
ćwiczenia - aktywność w dyskusjach
Andrew Roberts, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples since 1900, Harper Collins Publishers 2007.
English : one language, different cultures, edited by Eddie Ronowicz and Colin Yallop, 2007.
Martin Renes, The Stolen Generations. A narrative of removal, displacement and recovery, 2011.
Saly Morgan, My Place.
Craig Brown, The Illustrated History of Canada, 2012.
Joe Cleary, Claire Connolly (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture,
David Christopher – British Culture: An Introduction
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture
Renee Dickason and Rudiger Ahresn (eds.) – Screening and Depicting Cultural Diversity in the English-speaking World and Beyond
Andrew Roberts – A History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900
A Concise Companion to American Studies (Blackwell Companion Studies)
Neil Campbell – An Introduction to American Culture
Christopher Bigsby – The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture
W cyklu 2022:
Andrew Roberts, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples since 1900, Harper Collins Publishers 2007. English : one language, different cultures, edited by Eddie Ronowicz and Colin Yallop, 2007. Martin Renes, The Stolen Generations. A narrative of removal, displacement and recovery, 2011. Saly Morgan, My Place. Craig Brown, The Illustrated History of Canada, 2012. Joe Cleary, Claire Connolly (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture, David Christopher – British Culture: An Introduction The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture Renee Dickason and Rudiger Ahresn (eds.) – Screening and Depicting Cultural Diversity in the English-speaking World and Beyond Andrew Roberts – A History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900 Neil Campbell – An Introduction to American Culture Christopher Bigsby – The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture |
W cyklu 2023:
Andrew Roberts, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples since 1900, Harper Collins Publishers 2007. English : one language, different cultures, edited by Eddie Ronowicz and Colin Yallop, 2007. Martin Renes, The Stolen Generations. A narrative of removal, displacement and recovery, 2011. Saly Morgan, My Place. Craig Brown, The Illustrated History of Canada, 2012. Joe Cleary, Claire Connolly (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture, David Christopher – British Culture: An Introduction The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture Renee Dickason and Rudiger Ahresn (eds.) – Screening and Depicting Cultural Diversity in the English-speaking World and Beyond Andrew Roberts – A History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900 Neil Campbell – An Introduction to American Culture Christopher Bigsby – The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture |
W cyklu 2024:
Andrew Roberts, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples since 1900, Harper Collins Publishers 2007. English : one language, different cultures, edited by Eddie Ronowicz and Colin Yallop, 2007. Martin Renes, The Stolen Generations. A narrative of removal, displacement and recovery, 2011. Saly Morgan, My Place. Craig Brown, The Illustrated History of Canada, 2012. Joe Cleary, Claire Connolly (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture, David Christopher – British Culture: An Introduction The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture Renee Dickason and Rudiger Ahresn (eds.) – Screening and Depicting Cultural Diversity in the English-speaking World and Beyond Andrew Roberts – A History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900 Neil Campbell – An Introduction to American Culture Christopher Bigsby – The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture |
W cyklu 2022:
wykład - egzamin pisemny |
W cyklu 2023:
wykład - egzamin pisemny |
W cyklu 2024:
wykład - egzamin pisemny |
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