Postcolonial Theory and New Media Art 430-ERA-1PTH
These classes will concern the issues of socio-cultural changes after colonialism, taking into account the diverse context of transformations, ideas, and representations constructed in relation to the post-colonial theory, the intervention of differences in the field of racial, cultural, and social references. The aim of the course is to make people aware of multiculturalism in the contemporary world, and tolerance of what is different between the tensions between the colonial ruling classes and the indigenous peoples as a starting point for a broader reflection on the forms of accepting diversity. The hybridity, creolization and cultural métissage accompanying these discourses appear to be the object of reflection on social changes caused by wandering, migration, and racial mixing that evoke complex forms in the post-colonial space of differentiation. By searching for links between theory and audiovisual examples involving large-scale film and new media art, we will seek to anchor the theory of interpretation in specific works in which they can be clearly exemplified.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Knowledge (the graduate knows and understands )
1. basic concepts of philosophy and its methods
2. multiformity of types of philosophical reflection
3. historical entanglements of philosophy in culture
4. differences between the universalism of philosophy and cultural studies
K_W01; K_W02; K_W09; K_W11; K_W10
Skills (the graduate is able to ...)
1. apply theoretical knowledge to the analysis of cultural phenomena
2. to see the constitutive and contingent elements of the analyzed problems
3. capture the hermeneutic similarity of different types of cognitive activity
4. indicate continuations and intellectual differences on the example of philosophical doctrines
K_U01; K_U02; K_U03; K_U06; K_U08
Social and personal competencies (graduate ...)
1. is ready to understand the consequences of colonialism into modern world.
2. accepts pluralism in the intellectual history of mankind
3. understands the point of view of their own intellectual awareness
4. understands the axiological context of scientific activity
5. is able to critically evaluate himself and is open to other worldviews
K-K01; K_K03; K_K06; K_K07; K_K09
Kryteria oceniania
Criteria: passing the classes - final presentation. Assessment criteria: level of knowledge and argumentation style. Condition for taking the exam - presence (two absences are allowed).
Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi , “The Danger of a Single Story” (2009).
Chakrabarty Dipesh, Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference, Princeton University Press (2000)
Césaire Aimé, Discourse on Colonialism (1955), pp. 31-78.
Clifford James, Diasporas, "Cultural Anthropology", Vol. 9 No. 3 1994
Gandhi, Leela (1998), Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction, Columbia University Press,
Gilroy Paul, The Black Atlantic as a Counterculture of Modernity [in:] The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, Harvard University Press 1993
Hall Stuart, “Cultural Identity and Diaspora” (1990). [In:] Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, pp. 222-37
Hall Stuart , “New Ethnicities.” [In:] The Postcolonial Studies Reader, pp. 223-27.
Minh-ha Trinh T. . Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism (1989). Chapter 4: “Grandma’s Story,” pp. 119-143
Chinua Achebe, “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.” [In:] Hopes and Impediments (1988), pp. 1-20.
Fanon Frantz , “National Culture.” [In:] The Postcolonial Studies Reader, pp. 153-57.
Selasi Taiye, “Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local”
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