Analiza rynków surowcowych i środowiskowych-przedmiot oferowany w języku angielskim 330-ES1-3ARSS#E
Profile of study: General academic
Form of study: full-time
Course type: 5.1 Specialization subjects Market analysis and investment advisory
Field and discipline of study: field: social sciences, discipline: economics and finance
Year of study / semester: third year / fifth semester
Number of teaching hours:
Lecture - 0 hours
Exercises/conversatory class - 30 hours
ECTS credits: 3 points
Quantitative indicators
Student activity:
Participation in classes- 30 hrs.
Participation in consultations related to classes- 5 hrs.
Preparation for the colloquium - 14 hrs.
Performance of assignments - 12 hrs.
Preparation for discussions and group work during classes - 14 hrs.
Student workload related to classes:
requiring direct participation of the teacher - 35 hours, 1.4 ECTS
of practical character - 30 hours, 1.2 ECTS
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
1ARS_W01 The student has knowledge and understands the role, principles and mechanisms of raw materials and environmental markets, both at the micro- and macro-economic levels (KP6_WG2)
1ARS_W02 The student has advanced knowledge and fully understands the norms and rules, both organizational, legal and ethical, that shape the structures and institutions in raw materials and environmental markets (KP6_WG6)
1ARS_U01 The student is able to use his/her knowledge of the scientific discipline of economics and finance to analyze and interpret the causes and course of specific economic processes and phenomena in commodity markets. He/she is able to make analysis in dynamic terms, paying attention to the specifics of different commodities and different countries (KP6_UW1)
1ARS_K01 The student is ready to use the knowledge of the scientific discipline of economics and finance in the process of solving specific cognitive problems related to the analysis of commodity markets, is able to identify and analyze these problems using economic theories and tools, and is able to use his knowledge to develop prooer solutions (KP6_KK2)
Kryteria oceniania
The general conditions are specified in the Regulations of the University of Bialystok (Appendix to Announcement No. 6/2022 of the Rector of the University of Bialystok dated December 7, 2022).
Exercises: credit on the basis of individual and group assignments performed during class, project work performed partially during class and outside of class. Each form of activity is scored (points)
Final evaluation of exercise credit determined by the number of points obtained (% of the maximum number):
- 51-60% - dst
- 61-70% - dst+
- 71-80% - db
- 81-90% - db+
- 91-100% - bdb
Basic literature:
1. K.Szafranek, Financialisation of the commodity markets : conclusions from the VARX DCC GARCH ,Narodowy Bank Polski. Education & Publishing Department, Economic Institute, Warszaw 2015.
2. S.Pfaffenzeller.Primary commodities and economic development, London ; New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
R.Arezki, A. Matsumoto, Shifting Commodity Markets in a Globalized World
International Monetary Fund 2017
Complementary literature:
1. M Byrareddy, Vivekananda et al. A systematic review of emerging environmental markets: Potential pathways to creating shared value for communities, Heliyon, Volume 9, Issue 9, e19754
2. ESMA, Final Report on the EU carbon market
3. CO2 Market reports, KOBIZE
Więcej informacji
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