Soils and landscape 320-ERS-1SAEL
Substantive content:
Soil pedon development. Natural factors of soil genesis. FAO classification of soils; diagnostic horizons, horizons features and relations in the main soil profiles in Europe. Differentiation of soil landscapes on the Earth, with special attention of Polish soil catena in the physiographic regions. Relationships between plant communities, water, climatic conditions and type of soils. Agricultural and forest soils values, specific plantation and forest types. Field study of soil pedons in the lowland valley, mineral soil catena in the old glaciation highland, soils of morains and kems. Methods of descriptions of soil profile in the field, filed measurement of pH and CaCO3 content, sampling, texture and soil aggregation.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Forms and conditions of credit: active participation in the course, preparing a protocol of field study of 5 soil profiles according to scheme prepared by instructor.
Album of Polish Soils. PTGleb. Warszawa
Polish classification of Soils (English resume). Rocz. Glebozn. 2011, 62,3.
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